
Lawrence Joseph Hogan Jr. is an American politician and businessman who served as the 62nd governor of Maryland from 2015 to 2023. A member of the Republican Party and son of three-term U.S. representative Lawrence Hogan, he also served as chair of the bipartisan National Governors Association from 2019 to 2020.

Born: 1956 (age 68 years), Washington, D.C.
Party: Republican Party
Previous offices: Governor of Maryland (2015–2023), Secretary of Appointments of Maryland (2003–2007)
Education: Florida State University (1974–1978), Father Lopez Catholic High School (1974), DeMatha Catholic High School
Spouse: Yumi Hogan (m. 2004)
Descendants: Jaymi Sterling, Kim Velez, Julie Kim
Organization founded: Hogan Companies

OnAir Post: Larry Hogan


Larry Hogan burned bridges in Baltimore.
Baltimore Banner, Julie Scharper et alApril 5, 2024

Since the cataclysmic Key Bridge collapse last week, former Gov. Larry Hogan has issued the requisite expressions of sympathy and support. He has said he is lobbying Republican lawmakers to back federal funding for a new bridge. He’s met with the head of the longshoreman’s association.

Yet he’s been relatively quiet — and many local leaders say Hogan’s tense history with Baltimore makes his words ring hollow, especially as he campaigns for an open U.S. Senate seat.

The former two-term Republican governor passed through Baltimore on Wednesday, visiting a nonprofit and a hardware store before ducking into Faidley’s for a crab cake. But there was no stop at the port or cleanup site. Hogan doesn’t hold office anymore and non-official visits are restricted, but he also did not stop at nonprofits aiding those affected by the tragedy.



Like so many Americans, Larry Hogan is completely fed up with politics-as-usual and politicians in Washington who are more interested in arguing than getting anything done for the people.

He’s running for the United States Senate to fight for Maryland and to fix our nation’s broken politics.

Like so many Americans, Larry Hogan is completely fed up with politics-as-usual and politicians in Washington who are more interested in arguing than getting anything done for the people.

He’s running for the United States Senate to fight for Maryland and to fix our nation’s broken politics.

Larry Hogan is not a career politician. As a lifelong Marylander and small business owner who was fed up with sky-high taxes, politics-as-usual, and decades of one-party rule, he started Change Maryland, the largest non-partisan grassroots citizen organization in state history.

In 2014, out-numbered in party registration by more than 2-1, and outspent by more than 5-1, Larry Hogan pulled off the biggest upset in America on election night, becoming only the second Republican Governor elected in Maryland in 50 years.

Once in office, Governor Hogan quickly became an example of leadership for the nation, accomplishing what many believed was no longer possible: bipartisan, common sense solutions.

As Governor, Larry Hogan cut taxes for eight years in a row by $4.7 billion, including the largest tax cuts in state history. Overall, after inheriting a $5.1 billion structural budget deficit, the governor left office with a record $5.5 billion in reserves—a more than $10 billion swing. Under his leadership, Maryland produced the greatest economic turnaround in America, going from 49th out of 50 states to number six. He restored peace and order to Baltimore City during the riots of 2015, reduced the cost of health care premiums by over 30%, made historic investments in education, transportation infrastructure, and protecting the environment, and was the only Republican Governor in the country to overturn a Democratic gerrymandered map. He even achieved all this while overcoming a personal battle against cancer.

After four years of economic success and bipartisan progress in one of the bluest states in America, Governor Hogan was overwhelmingly re-elected to a second term in 2018, making him only the second Republican to do so in the entire history of the state.

Like so many Americans, Larry Hogan is completely fed up with politics-as-usual and politicians in Washington who are more interested in arguing than getting anything done for the people.

He’s running for the United States Senate to fix our nation’s broken politics and fight for Maryland.

For eight years, he proved that the toxic politics that divide our nation need not divide Maryland. His administration overcame unprecedented challenges: cut taxes eight years in a row – balanced the budget – and created a record surplus. And did it all by finding common ground for the common good.

This is a fight for Maryland and America’s future, and that is a fight worth fighting.


Source: Campaign Site

Web Links


Governor of Maryland

Source: Wikipedia

As governor, media outlets labeled Hogan as a moderate Republican and a “pragmatist”. In 2015, The Washington Post’s editorial board wrote that he was “true to his promise to govern from the center in the first legislative session of his term.” On the Issues, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that tracks politicians’ positions, considers Hogan a centrist. In a 2022 Morning Consult poll, Hogan was listed as the third-most popular governor in the United States, with a 70% approval rating. Despite his popularity, Hogan had no coattail effect on any downballot races in Maryland, with Democrats expanding their legislative supermajority and picking up several county-level seats during his tenure.

As governor, Hogan had a more hands-off approach to legislating, having never testified for any of the bills he proposed each year, unlike previous governors.[33] He left office with few legislative accomplishments, but defended his approach to legislating by saying that he “never intended to enact a bunch of policies”. Hogan frequently vetoed bills passed by the Maryland General Assembly, which was controlled by a Democratic supermajority during his entire tenure as governor, meaning that legislative leaders had to ensure bills passed by veto-proof majorities and had to schedule enough time for the legislature to override his vetoes on priority bills.

Hogan served as vice chair of the National Governors Association (NGA) from 2018 to 2019 and as chair from 2019 to 2020. In 2019, Hogan raised the possibility of running for president in 2020, but he later decided not to run. In June, he addressed the Maryland Free Enterprise Foundation, a business advocacy group, in a combative speech, “skewering Democrats who control the state legislature and vowing to spend the remainder of his term in ‘battle’ with them.” Hogan promised to work against tax increases.

Between taking office and February 2017, Hogan’s Facebook page blocked over 450 people. One spokesman said about half had used “hateful or racist” language, while the rest were part of a “coordinated attack”. Affected Marylanders said they had reached out to the governor via Facebook after the 2015 Baltimore protests as well as Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13769 in January 2017, which banned travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries

In March 2017, it was discovered that Hogan staffers altered headlines of The Baltimore Sun and DelmarvaNow articles posted on his Facebook page to falsely imply General Assembly support for Hogan’s so-called “Road Kill Bill”. After the Sun contacted Hogan’s office about the doctored headlines, the office rectified the problem.


Strong Independent Leadership for Maryland

Source: Campaign Site


“We can no longer allow politics to get in the way of public safety. There are bipartisan common sense solutions that the federal government can urgently adopt that will make a difference and save lives. In the Senate, I will make it a top priority to bring people in both parties together to get this done, support our law enforcement, and make our communities safer.”

 Take Repeat Violent Criminals Off The Streets
In the Senate, Governor Hogan will continue to support increased criminal penalties for violent offenders. Governor Hogan will support federal law enforcement and their partner and task forces in our communities to curb violent crime just like he did as governor. In 2022, Governor Hogan showed that this could be done effectively in Baltimore City. He worked with the U.S. Attorney for Maryland to deploy strategic federal assets to get the job done, providing millions of dollars in state funding to support additional prosecutors and staff, including 10 additional Special Assistant United States Attorneys for the Baltimore Office. These prosecutors used the “Al Capone model” of pursuing federal firearms, fraud, and other criminal charges against individuals known to be repeat violent offenders. Starting in August 2022, murders in Baltimore began to decline compared to the prior year. We must adopt this proven approach at the federal level as a critical tool in our crime-fighting toolbox. On day one in the Senate, Governor Hogan will get to work to ensure Maryland has access to resources to hire federal prosecutors who will focus on breaking up these carjacking gangs and other organized crime

Get Guns Out Of The Hands Of Violent Criminals And The Mentally Ill
As Governor, Larry Hogan worked to get guns out of the hands of violent criminals and the mentally ill, leading the nation in passing red flag laws. In the Senate, he will push for common sense protections to get guns out of the hands of violent criminals and the mentally ill, including universal background checks. He will make sure we are proactive about leveraging the federal laws on the books, such as increased penalties for firearms in school zones and other federally-designated locations, to get guns out of the hands of repeat violent offenders.

Respect And Re-fund Police And Law Enforcement
Too often, our police do not get the respect and support they deserve. When calls to “Defund the Police” broke out across America, Governor Hogan was one of the first leaders to speak out in support of our police. Instead, Governor Hogan passed landmark Re-Fund The Police legislation, which provided a 50 percent increase of half a billion dollars more in state aid to local police to provide salary increases, hiring bonuses for state police agencies, and greater funding for de-escalation training, and equipment. In the Senate, he will lead the fight to Re-Fund our police at the federal level with greater training for law enforcement, more school resource officers, and funding to solve violent crimes, including the VICTIM Act that would provide critical resources to help law enforcement solve the most violent crimes. In addition, he will work to reverse cuts on flexible and highly used programs that police around the nation depend on, like Byrne Grants, that fund overtime for drug investigations, technology upgrades, and necessary equipment.

Let Law Enforcement Do Their Jobs
Law enforcement already has a hard enough job, but the federal government makes it even harder by tacking on unreasonable requirements and tying needed funding and tools to their political agendas. Federal resources are too micromanaged by Congress and federal bureaucrats. Congress should provide federal, state, and local law enforcement with the funding and flexibility to do their jobs.

Hold Prosecutors And Senate Confirmed Nominees Accountable
We’ve seen too many of our US cities suffer crime spikes because rogue prosecutors have failed to do their jobs. Tragically, juvenile crime has been surging in Maryland and Washington, DC, because of the failure to provide real accountability and rehabilitation. As Governor, Larry Hogan fought for and passed the Judicial Transparency Act to provide more transparency for the public to hold judges and prosecutors accountable. In the Senate, Larry Hogan will press for more accountability for those who fail to enforce the law. He will hold Senate-confirmed appointees accountable and ensure they will uphold their duty to enforce the law.

Stop Reckless DC Policies That Are Hurting Marylanders
Congress has a constitutional responsibility to provide oversight on local legislation passed by the District of Columbia’s City Council. This is critical for Maryland families who border Washington and feel the destructive impact of soft-on-crime policies. All too often, DC leaders have been promoting and passing legislation that decriminalizes serious crimes and has resulted in a crime wave impacting the District and Maryland suburbs. While crimes like carjacking have increased in the District and Maryland suburbs, the DC Council has tried to pass legislation that would have eliminated sentencing requirements and significantly reduced the penalties for nearly all offenses. This would include even violent crimes such as carjackings, armed robberies, and even homicides. If elected, Larry Hogan will hold these leaders accountable who fail to enforce the law and keep the citizens of the region safe.

Dismantle Drug Trafficking Cartels
Fentanyl and other dangerous drugs have caused an unprecedented amount of harm in Maryland and throughout the nation. As Governor, Larry Hogan created the first state-level coordinating agency to tap the resources of the entire state to provide a balanced approach to curbing demand via treatment and prevention while supporting law enforcement to go after volume dealers. In the Senate, Governor Hogan will make sure the federal government is a partner providing the needed resources to work across state and county lines to take these violent organized criminal enterprises apart. The failure to secure the border has become a perfect storm of chaos for criminal cartels that are profiting from a surge in human trafficking, fentanyl, and other drug smuggling. He will work across the aisle to finally secure the border by fixing the asylum process, sending more resources to law enforcement on the border with more Customs and Border Patrol agents, increasing the number of immigration judges, and dismantling the criminal cartel networks.

Dignity, Respect, And Resources For Victims Of Crime
Every act of violent crime leaves behind victims and their families, who are all too often re-victimized during the criminal justice process. That’s why Governor Hogan’s administration always prioritized victim’s rights. While Congress reduced funding for key programs that support rape victims and domestic violence, Governor Hogan made up the difference and funded these critical programs. As Senator, Larry Hogan will fight to increase funding for these important programs that victims and their families depend on.

Help Those Who Have Served Their Time Re-enter Society
As Governor, Larry Hogan led the nation in enacting the Second Chance Act to help people who had paid their debts successfully re-enter society. He also enacted the landmark Justice Reinvestment Initiative that prioritized prison sentences for violent offenders, and job training and drug rehabilitation programs in prisons. As Senator, Larry Hogan will continue his efforts at the federal level and support important legislation like the federal Second Chance Act to help communities and returning citizens successfully reintegrate into society.

Provide Mental Health And Substance Abuse Treatment For Those Who Need It
Governor Hogan dramatically increased treatment in our communities, jails, and prisons. He made sure that returning citizens have access to treatment upon release, ensured access to medication-assisted treatment in Maryland correctional facilities, and funded lifesaving projects. In the Senate, Governor Hogan will build on this critical work to support Maryland’s recovery community and affected families, and make sure those who need mental health and substance abuse treatment have access to these lifesaving resources.


Governor Hogan believes that the best way to secure peace is through American strength. He will work to ensure America invests in a strong military and cyberdefenses. As Governor, he made it a top priority to strongly support members of the Maryland National Guard and active-duty military and helped make Maryland the cyber capital of America, working in partnership with the NSA, U.S. Cyber Command, and the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.

America is strongest when we stand up to our enemies and for our allies. As Governor, he worked to deepen Maryland’s relationships with our allies around the world like Israel, South Korea, Japan, and Ukraine. While war rages in Europe and the Middle East, we desperately need a proven and experienced leader like Governor Hogan in the Senate to continue that critical work.


For far too long, Washington politicians have cared more about keeping the broken immigration system as a campaign issue than finding actual solutions. As a result, the humanitarian crisis at the border has continued to worsen, becoming a perfect storm of chaos for criminal cartels that are profiting from a surge in human trafficking and the smuggling of fentanyl and other illicit drugs. Meanwhile, immigrants who attempt to enter the country through legal channels are unfairly punished.

Governor Hogan will work to take the gridlock and the partisan nonsense out of this critical issue. He will advance solutions to secure the border and pass meaningful immigration reform that encourages more legal immigration. This means fixing the asylum process, sending more resources to law enforcement on the border with more Customs and Border Protection agents, increasing the number of immigration judges, and dismantling the criminal cartel networks.


“For eight years, I fought every single day to make life more affordable and delivered on that mission. We eliminated 350 fees, cut taxes by $4.7 billion, and cut tolls for the first time in 50 years—including right here at the Bay Bridge. When we cut those tolls, many Maryland politicians scoffed. But I knew that for so many Marylanders who are struggling to get by, any relief can make all the difference in the world. Today, the economic headwinds hard-working Marylanders face are even more challenging than a decade ago. I am not going to ask or care what side of the aisle an idea came from. I am going to ask a simple question: will it deliver economic relief for hardworking Maryland families? We need strong, independent leadership to make life more affordable, and with this plan, that’s exactly what I’ll do.


Unaffordable housing costs have made it impossible for far too many Marylanders to achieve the American dream of homeownership. As a homebuilder himself, Governor Hogan would make it a top priority to address this crisis. As Governor, Larry Hogan made record investments in affordable housing programs—dramatically increasing the state’s commitment to providing middle-class and workforce housing. He spearheaded innovative uses of public-private partnerships to build more than 28,000 housing units throughout the state.

Unnecessary regulations and red tape are part of the problem. Today, 24% of the cost of a home is due to federal, state, and local regulations. Each new regulation increases these costs and makes homeownership even less affordable for Marylanders and Americans.

In the Senate, Larry Hogan will fight to stop these overbearing regulations. He will also work to pass legislation like the Smith-Wyden bill that would incentivize the development of more than 200,000 homes for working families who have been priced out of the housing market. He will support reforms to federal grant funding to encourage local governments to eliminate excessive regulations that stifle new housing construction. In addition, he will hold federal bureaucrats accountable for policies that add to housing costs, expedite permitting by removing roadblocks to force agencies to complete reviews on time, and support construction trades workforce development programs to keep up with the demand.


Washington DC politicians argue about healthcare, but fail to actually do anything to address what most people care about: the out-of-control prices. As Governor, Larry Hogan put aside the partisan nonsense and delivered common sense solutions to cut the cost of healthcare premiums 30%. His administration successfully negotiated innovative healthcare models for Maryland that controlled the cost of healthcare while improving patient outcomes and quality. When Republicans in the US Senate tried to repeal Obamacare in 2017 without a sound alternative that worked for Maryland, Larry Hogan voiced his opposition to this idea.

As a Senator, Larry Hogan will move us past these repetitive partisan battles and focus on reducing costs through greater competition, innovation, transparency, and choice in the healthcare marketplace. He will advance common sense bipartisan solutions that will stabilize markets and actually expand affordable coverage. He will fight the Biden administration’s proposal to increase Medicare Advantage premiums and lead on passing legislation to hold accountable Prescription Benefit Managers (PBM) middle men who are driving up the cost of prescription drugs.


Unaffordable regulations and excessive government spending drive up the cost of everything, especially the cost of energy and food. Governor Hogan is a proven fiscally responsible leader who eliminated thousands of burdensome government regulations and fees while working across the aisle with a Democratic legislature to transform a record budget deficit into a record surplus. He will bring that same common sense and balanced approach to the Senate to make everyday essentials like food, gas, and basic household items more affordable for working Marylanders.


“When I was running for governor in 2014, as I traveled around the state over and over again I heard people say ‘I don’t want to leave my kids and grandkids, but I can’t afford to retire in Maryland. As governor, I fought for 8 years and in my final year I finally got them to pass the Retirement Tax Elimination Act of 2023—a much deserved break for seniors for the first time in decades in Maryland. There is still more work to be done and in the Senate I will continue fighting for tax relief for all of our nation’s retirees.

Governor Hogan will always fight to protect Social Security and Medicare, especially for seniors who depend on this vital program. They paid into the system, earned these benefits, and deserve their fair share. Seniors that have already reached retirement and those close to retirement need to be protected from changes to benefits they have planned on.

While most parts of the tax code are indexed to inflation, several key aspects are not, including housing gains, social security, and child tax credits. This results in pushing many Americans into higher tax brackets, increasing the tax burden for many who are just struggling to get by with higher costs. In the Senate, Governor Hogan will fight to end this unfairness in the tax code that is punishing so many Marylanders struggling with inflation.

As runaway inflation continues to eat away at earnings power, seniors are worried that increased medical and prescription costs will make it difficult to afford the health care they need and deserve. The Biden administration has proposed Medicare Advantage cuts that will hurt hundreds of thousands of Maryland seniors who are already struggling on fixed incomes with inflation eating away at their hard-earned savings. In the Senate, Governor Hogan will fight these Medicare cuts and protect Maryland Seniors.

As Governor, Larry Hogan supported and signed legislation that held Prescription Benefit Managers (PBM) middlemen who are driving up the cost of prescription drugs accountable and required more transparency. Most PBM’s today are owned by massive insurance companies and too often they hold on to discounts and get in the way of decisions that should belong to doctors, pharmacists, and their patients.

As a Senator, Governor Hogan will fight for legislation that requires these savings to be passed on to patients and taxpayers. He will vote to force the Federal Trade Commission to aggressively investigate these unfair and abusive pricing schemes that make it more difficult to get the health care seniors need. Pharmaceutical middlemen must be made accountable to the public.

The cap on the state and local tax deduction (SALT) increases the tax burden on Marylanders who have worked their entire lives to afford a home and who are already struggling amid crushing inflation. In the Senate, Larry Hogan will fight to repeal this cap.

“As governor, I was proud to change the entire mission of state government to be unabashedly pro-jobs and pro-business, and jumpstart the greatest economic turnaround in America. We helped small businesses like Marlin Steel expand by finding ways to reduce the tax and regulatory burden, and through innovative incentive programs like More Jobs For Marylanders. With the plan we’re launching today, I’m looking forward to bringing these same policies and ideas to the United States Senate.”

Small businesses are the backbone of America’s economy, creating tens of millions of jobs. However, too often, they don’t have a voice in Washington. Politicians in both parties are not looking out for the hard-working small businesses that make our economy run.

Larry Hogan is not a career politician. He is a lifelong small business owner who decided to run for governor in 2014 because he was fed up with the overburdensome regulations and 43 consecutive tax hikes that crushed Maryland’s economy. Once in office, Governor Hogan kept his promise to champion small businesses. He eliminated thousands of job-killing regulations and cut taxes for eight years in a row by $4.7 billion, including tax cuts for small businesses. He successfully turned Maryland’s economy from 49th out of 50 states to number six – the greatest economic turnaround in America. After eight years in office, Maryland ranked 3rd in the nation for the number of small businesses as a percentage of total companies.

With unaffordable inflation and overburdensome regulations, our small businesses are getting squeezed across the country. In just the last three years, the federal government has added $1.5 trillion in regulatory costs onto the backs of small businesses.

In the Senate, Larry Hogan will be a champion for our small businesses to get our economy moving:

With unaffordable inflation and overburdensome regulations, our small businesses are getting squeezed across the country. In just the last three years, the federal government has added $1.5 trillion in regulatory costs onto the backs of small businesses.

In the Senate, Governor Hogan will fight to reduce the tax burden on small businesses. In 2025, over 30 million small business owners will face a massive tax hike if Congress does not act. Governor Hogan will fight to make the Small Business Deduction permanent to give them the stability they need to grow our economy and create jobs.

Small businesses are the backbone of America’s economy, creating tens of millions of jobs. As Governor, Larry Hogan eliminated thousands of regulations and fees that hurt small businesses and job growth. In the Senate, he will continue to be a champion for regulatory reform and reign in regulatory overreach from federal agencies targeting small businesses.

The unaffordable cost of healthcare is making it nearly impossible for countless small businesses to provide critical benefits for their employees. As Governor, Larry Hogan was able to work across the aisle to lower healthcare costs for small businesses. As a Senator, he will once again work across the aisle to do the same by expanding health insurance coverage options for small businesses and providing greater flexibility to support their employees.


Larry Hogan has long been a champion for rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure. As Governor, he launched an infrastructure renaissance by moving forward on priority projects in every jurisdiction; making record investments in roads, bridges, tunnels, transit systems, ports, and airports; fixing every structurally deficient bridge that the administration inherited; and resurfacing nearly all of the state highway system. He implemented significant and dramatic expansions at both the Port of Baltimore and Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) to keep them modern, competitive, and thriving. Maryland’s approach to infrastructure under the governor’s leadership is one of the key reasons CNBC named it America’s most improved state for business.

The Governor’s bipartisan approach created results across the country. As Chair of the nation’s governors, he launched a national, year-long initiative focused on fixing America’s crumbling infrastructure. At the end of 2019, Governor Hogan submitted these recommendations to Congress on behalf of all 50 of the nation’s governors and these ultimately became the basis of the bipartisan infrastructure law.

In 2021, when toxic politics made passing an infrastructure compromise nearly impossible, Governor Hogan brought Democratic and Republican state and federal leaders together in Annapolis and hammered out a compromise that would lead to the bipartisan infrastructure law, providing a historic national commitment to rebuilding our nation’s roads, bridges, airports, and transportation networks.

However, there is still far more work to do. Much of the federal funding from the bipartisan infrastructure law was eaten away by inflation and slowed down by excessive red tape. As a Senator, Larry Hogan will continue to be the same results-oriented leader who can actually cut through the partisan nonsense to get infrastructure rebuilt. He will lead the fight to secure critical infrastructure funding and to eliminate job-killing regulations through permitting reform.

This starts with rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge and addressing the soul-crushing traffic. Current estimates are that the new Francis Scott Key Bridge will not be rebuilt until 2028. Governor Hogan believes that is unacceptable. In 2022, as governor, we opened the new Nice-Middleton Bridge—which is similar in size—across the Potomac, under budget and ahead of schedule. Governor Hogan will work to expedite the environmental and the Endangered Species Act review and get this project done ahead of schedule.

“I have always believed every child deserves to have access to a world-class education, regardless of what zip code they happen to grow up in. Great schools like Archbishop Borders embody the power of a great education and create opportunities for Maryland’s future leaders. Our administration made unprecedented strides to empower parents, build first-rate school facilities, and expand choice and innovation—and I’ll take the same approach to the Senate.”

Governor Hogan believes every child across our country deserves access to a world-class education, regardless of what zip code they happen to grow up in. To make our schools the best in the world, we need to embrace innovative ideas for the 21st century instead of continuing to be weighed down by old partisan divisions.

For eight years, Governor Hogan ensured that Maryland public schools had record funding every year, supporting children with special needs and computer science programs like Girls Who Code. He supported programs like P-TECH that allow high school students to earn a degree while gaining career training. He boosted charter schools and created the BOOST program so that underserved children could attend a non-public school of their choice. No administration in Maryland history did more to improve the physical condition of our public schools. Under Governor Hogan’s leadership, Maryland provided more than $4.7 billion for school construction over eight years.

As Governor, Larry Hogan always worked to make higher education more affordable, funding higher education at record levels, providing historical support for HBCUs, preventing tuition increases, and granting scholarships to low-income and middle-income students from Maryland to cover the full cost of tuition for community colleges. He started innovative programs to address the student debt crisis, including allowing first-time homebuyers to roll student loans into their mortgage and made interest on student loans deductible on state taxes. He consistently advocated providing incentives, credits, and other innovative programs to help families save for college.

Larry Hogan will bring this same common sense approach to the Senate. Just as he did as Governor, Senator Hogan will advocate for greater funding with real accountability, results, and choice. He will work across the aisle to advance innovative ideas that create new pathways for success for every child. And he will fight for tax credits, educational scholarship accounts, charter schools, and more flexibility for 529 accounts that empower kids and their parents with the tools to shape their own destiny.


“I am so proud that in 2022, we were able to make Maryland the first state in the nation to eliminate unnecessary college degree requirements for jobs in state governments. A number of states have followed our lead, but much more needs to be done to remove barriers for workers–particularly at the federal level. I will bring that same innovative approach to the United States Senate to make these opportunities even more accessible.”

A prestigious degree must not be the only pathway to the American dream. It’s common sense that success should be determined by skills and experience, not just a credential or a degree.

As Governor, Larry Hogan led the nation in tearing down the paper ceiling. For too long, qualified Marylanders were locked out of a job working for the state government because they lacked a college degree, disproportionately harming people of color, people from remote communities, and veterans. Governor Hogan was the first governor in America to direct all state agencies to eliminate these requirements when the job did not require a degree. This model has now been followed all across the country in the private and public sectors.

Governor Hogan believes every Marylander and American deserves the opportunity to succeed. Sadly, only 36 percent of Americans believe that the American dream — that anyone can get ahead through hard work — is still alive today. As Governor, Larry Hogan advanced bipartisan common sense solutions to expand economic opportunity for all Marylanders, including making Maryland the best in the nation for economic opportunity for women. Governor Hogan will take that same approach to the Senate.

Governor Hogan has been a champion for investing in our workers. He made Maryland a national leader in innovative job training, workforce development, and apprenticeship programs like EARN that invest in our workers and help meet the increasing demand for essential skilled jobs. Under Governor Hogan, total registered apprenticeships grew by 38.84%, and the number of youth apprentices enrolled in the Governor’s Apprenticeship Maryland Program grew by over 1,000%. The administration also modernized apprenticeship opportunities for Marylanders, expanding to 89 new occupations, including cybersecurity, healthcare, and information technology. By late 2022, over 12,000 apprentices—the highest ever in state history—were registered across Maryland’s 182 active apprenticeship programs, partnering with 3,879 employers. In 2016, Governor Hogan launched P-TECH, an innovative program for students from all backgrounds that creates clear paths from high school to college and then on to successful careers by partnering with private sector sponsors. In six years or less, students graduate with a high school diploma and, at no cost, a two-year associate degree in a critical STEM field.

As a Senator, Governor Hogan will be a champion for expanding federal support for apprenticeships. Maryland is currently not in compliance with federal law allowing military spouses to use their professional licenses in the states where their spouses are stationed. Governor Hogan will fight for our military families and make it a top priority to ensure those who make incredible sacrifices for our freedom do not have their dreams and livelihoods crushed by unnecessary red tape.

More Information


Lawrence Joseph Hogan Jr. (born May 25, 1956) is an American politician who served as the 62nd governor of Maryland from 2015 to 2023. A member of the Republican Party and son of three-term U.S. representative Lawrence Hogan, he served as co-chair of the centrist organization No Labels from 2020 to 2023 and was the Republican nominee in the 2024 U.S. Senate election in Maryland, losing to Democrat Angela Alsobrooks.

Hogan unsuccessfully campaigned for his father’s old district, Maryland’s 5th congressional district in 1981 and 1992, the latter of which was incumbent Steny Hoyer‘s closest race. He then served in the cabinet of governor Bob Ehrlich from 2003 to 2007 as Maryland Secretary of Appointments. In 2011, Hogan founded the Change Maryland organization, which he used to promote his 2014 gubernatorial campaign. He campaigned as a moderate Republican[3] and defeated Democrat Anthony Brown in the general election in what was considered an upset.[4] Hogan was reelected in 2018, defeating Democrat Ben Jealous, to become Maryland’s first two-term Republican governor since Theodore McKeldin won re-election in 1954. He was term limited from running for a third term in 2022 and was succeeded as governor by Democrat Wes Moore, having refused to endorse Moore’s Republican opponent, Dan Cox, in that year’s gubernatorial election. Hogan left office as one of the most popular governors in the country.[5]

After leaving office, Hogan was initially seen as a likely contender for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election, but he declined to run and later endorsed Nikki Haley instead of the eventual nominee, Donald Trump.[6][7] On February 9, 2024, Hogan filed and launched a campaign for the 2024 United States Senate election in Maryland, seeking to succeed retiring incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Ben Cardin.[8] He won the Republican primary election on May 14, 2024,[9] and was defeated by Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks in the general election on November 5, 2024.[10]

Early life, family, and education

Hogan was born in 1956 in Washington, D.C., and grew up in Landover, Maryland, attending Saint Ambrose Catholic School and DeMatha Catholic High School.[11] He moved to Florida with his mother after his parents divorced in 1972[11] and graduated from Father Lopez Catholic High School in 1974.[12] Hogan is the son of Nora (Maguire) and Lawrence Hogan Sr., who served as U.S. Representative from Maryland’s 5th congressional district from 1969 to 1975 and as Prince George’s County executive from 1978 to 1982. Hogan Sr. was the first Republican member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee to call for Richard Nixon‘s impeachment.[13] His parents were both of Irish descent.[14]

Hogan attended Florida State University from 1974 to 1978 and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in government and political science.[12]

Early career

As the son of a U.S. representative, Hogan was exposed to politics at a young age and worked in many aspects of politics, including political campaigns and citizen referendums.[15]

While in college, Hogan worked in the Florida legislature.[16] Upon graduation, he worked on Capitol Hill. Hogan helped his father run a successful campaign in 1978 for Prince George’s County executive and later worked for him as a low-paid “intergovernmental liaison”.[11]

In 1981, at age 24, Hogan first ran for office in the special election to fill the vacancy in Maryland’s 5th congressional district left by Gladys Noon Spellman. Spellman had succeeded Hogan’s father in the office.[15] Hogan finished second out of 12 candidates in the Republican primary with 22% of the vote, behind Bowie Mayor Audrey Scott’s 63%.[17]

In 1985, Hogan founded Hogan Companies, which is engaged in brokerage, consulting, investment and development of land, commercial and residential properties. He spent the next 18 years in the private sector.[18][better source needed]

In 1992, Hogan was the Republican nominee for Maryland’s 5th congressional district, running against Democratic incumbent Steny Hoyer. Hoyer outspent Hogan by a 6-to-1 margin.[19] The race was the closest in Hoyer’s tenure. Hogan won four of the district’s five counties and 44% of the vote to Hoyer’s 53%, with William Johnston (Independent) at 3%.[20]

Hogan took a four-year leave of absence from his business to serve as Maryland’s secretary of appointments in Bob Ehrlich‘s administration from 2003 to 2007.[21] In this capacity, Hogan appointed over 7,000 people to positions in the Maryland government.[22]

In 2011, Hogan founded Change Maryland, a nonprofit anti-tax advocacy organization that was used to criticize Governor Martin O’Malley‘s administration.[23][24] The organization promoted Hogan’s gubernatorial run, and his campaign eventually purchased its assets.[25] The Maryland Democratic Party alleged that Hogan had improperly received campaign benefits from the nonprofit; the State Board of Elections dismissed two of the complaints but found Hogan’s campaign had not properly disclosed the value of a poll the nonprofit did before purchasing its assets.[23][26]

Governor of Maryland

Hogan giving the State of the State address in 2016

As governor, media outlets labeled Hogan as a moderate Republican and a “pragmatist”.[27][28][29] In 2015, The Washington Post's editorial board wrote that he was “true to his promise to govern from the center in the first legislative session of his term.”[30] On the Issues, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that tracks politicians’ positions, considers Hogan a centrist.[31] In a 2022 Morning Consult poll, Hogan was listed as the third-most popular governor in the United States, with a 70% approval rating.[32] Despite his popularity, Hogan had no coattail effect on any downballot races in Maryland, with Democrats expanding their legislative supermajority and picking up several county-level seats during his tenure.[33][34][35]

As governor, Hogan had a more hands-off approach to legislating, having never testified for any of the bills he proposed each year, unlike previous governors.[36] He left office with few legislative accomplishments, but defended his approach to legislating by saying that he “never intended to enact a bunch of policies”.[37] Hogan frequently vetoed bills passed by the Maryland General Assembly, which was controlled by a Democratic supermajority during his entire tenure as governor, meaning that legislative leaders had to ensure bills passed by veto-proof majorities and had to schedule enough time for the legislature to override his vetoes on priority bills.[38]

Hogan served as vice chair of the National Governors Association (NGA) from 2018 to 2019[39] and as chair from 2019 to 2020.[40] In 2019, Hogan raised the possibility of running for president in 2020, but he later decided not to run.[41] In June, he addressed the Maryland Free Enterprise Foundation, a business advocacy group, in a combative speech, “skewering Democrats who control the state legislature and vowing to spend the remainder of his term in ‘battle’ with them.” Hogan promised to work against tax increases.[42]

Hogan’s real estate business repeatedly came under scrutiny during his tenure as governor,[43] as Hogan was a member of the Maryland Board of Public Works and had the ability to set rules for state housing projects and to award grants and tax credits to developers. Shortly after becoming governor, Hogan entered into a trust agreement that was managed by his younger brother, Timothy, and allowed him to remain informed of his real estate firm’s investments, including its finances and the locations of its real estate projects.[44] In January 2020, Washington Monthly reported that Hogan continued to meet regularly with the firm’s trustees and held properties near state transportation projects that he earmarked funding for in the state’s annual budgets, and did not disclose any of his nearby property interests to the General Assembly before legislators voted to approve such funding, allowing Hogan to personally profit from state investments. A spokesperson for Hogan denied these accusations, saying that Hogan was in full compliance with the state’s ethics laws and had no involvement in the decision to fund these transportation projects.[45] During the 2021 legislative session, in response to the Washington Monthly expose, the Maryland General Assembly unanimously passed the Integrity in High Office Act, which would require statewide officials to submit enhanced disclosures detailing the businesses they owned and their subsidiaries, and what properties they owned.[46][47] The bill became law without Governor Hogan’s signature.[48] At least two ethics complaints relating to Hogan’s potential conflicts of interest were also filed against Governor Hogan, but there have been no findings by state officials that Hogan violated any ethics laws as of October 2024.[43] In October 2024, an investigation from Time found that Hogan awarded nearly 40 percent of the state’s competitive affordable housing awards to developers listed as clients to Hogan’s firm. Hogan was also the first governor to make millions of dollars while in office and Time found no record of him ever recusing himself while in office.[44] When asked about these affordable housing contracts by reporters, Hogan said he had not read the Time report, but described it as an “October surprise” that didn’t have any truth to it.[49] After the Time report was published, Maryland Democrats—including Hogan’s successor, Governor Wes Moore—called for investigations into state contracts approved by Hogan and endorsed legislation requiring future governors to use blind trusts to manage their finances.[50] Time followed up by reporting that Hogan awarded millions in competitive affordable housing contracts to land owned by his stepmother, Ilona Hogan, who later sold the property for $3.75 million in November 2022.[51]

Between taking office and February 2017, Hogan’s Facebook page blocked over 450 people. One spokesman said about half had used “hateful or racist” language, while the rest were part of a “coordinated attack”.[52] Affected Marylanders said they had reached out to the governor via Facebook after the 2015 Baltimore protests as well as Donald Trump‘s Executive Order 13769 in January 2017, which banned travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries.[52][53]

In March 2017, it was discovered that Hogan staffers altered headlines of The Baltimore Sun and DelmarvaNow articles posted on his Facebook page to falsely imply General Assembly support for Hogan’s so-called “Road Kill Bill”. After the Baltimore Sun contacted Hogan’s office about the doctored headlines, the office rectified the problem.[54]

2014 campaign

Hogan in 2013

During the Maryland Republican Party‘s semi-annual convention in November 2013, Hogan formed an exploratory committee to explore a potential run for governor of Maryland in 2014.[55][56] On January 20, 2014, he officially announced his run at a rally in Annapolis, Maryland,[57] and named former Maryland General Services Secretary Boyd Rutherford as his running mate a week later.[58]

During his campaign, Hogan utilized the state’s public campaign financing system in both the primary and general elections, becoming the first candidate to do so in 20 years.[59][60] He ran on a platform of fiscal issues, largely avoiding questions about his positions on social issues like gun control and abortion by saying that he would respect Maryland’s current laws and refusing to elaborate on his positions until he took office.[61][62] He also sought to make the election into a referendum on Martin O’Malley‘s tenure, comparing himself to Ehrlich in the 2002 Maryland gubernatorial election.[63][64] Hogan spent $1.9 million during the Republican primary election,[65] in which he faced Harford County Executive David R. Craig, state delegate Ron George, and businessman Charles Lollar.[57] He won the Republican primary election with 43 percent of the vote on June 24, 2014.[66]

Hogan continued to campaign on economic issues into the general election, in which he faced Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, who ran a barrage of negative ads against Hogan scrutinizing his past comments on social issues[67][62] but otherwise disregarded Hogan’s campaign, saying that winning the general election would just be “a little bit of a mole hill” compared to the primary election.[68] Brown also outspent Hogan in the general election, with Democrats spending $18.3 million and Republicans spending $5.9 million.[69] On November 4, 2014, he defeated Brown in the general election with 51 percent of the vote in what many considered to be an upset victory.[68][70] Media outlets attributed Hogan’s victory to a strong performance in rural parts of the state and Baltimore’s suburban counties, low Democratic turnout, and Brown’s inability to separate himself from O’Malley.[71][72] Hogan is the first governor to be elected from Anne Arundel County in over 100 years.[73]

2018 reelection

In the 2018 gubernatorial election, Hogan faced Democratic nominee Ben Jealous, a former NAACP president. Hogan enjoyed significant polling and fundraising leads over Jealous throughout the campaign.[74][75] He defeated Jealous, 55% to 44%, becoming only the second Republican governor in Maryland history to be reelected, and the first since Theodore McKeldin in 1954.[75]

2022 gubernatorial election

Larry Hogan shaking hands with Governor-elect Wes Moore
Hogan with Governor-elect Wes Moore, November 2022

As Hogan was term-limited, he did not run in the 2022 gubernatorial election. In November 2021, he endorsed the campaign of his commerce secretary, Kelly Schulz.[76] After Schulz lost the Republican primary to state delegate Dan Cox, who was much farther to the right than the generally centrist Hogan, he said that he would not support Cox in the general election.[77] Hogan blamed “collusion” between the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) and former president Donald Trump for Cox’s primary win.[78] According to The New York Times, the DGA spent over $1.16 million on television advertisements promoting Cox, who was endorsed by Trump.[79] Hogan also criticized Democrats for “emboldening” Cox, who Hogan called a “QAnon conspiracy theorist”, and likened their efforts to “play[ing] Russian roulette with the Maryland statehouse”.[80] Hogan declined to say who he voted for in the general election.[81] After the election, he congratulated governor-elect Wes Moore.[82] Hogan delivered his farewell address as governor on January 10, 2023.[83] His term expired on January 18.


Hogan meets with his cabinet, 2019

Following his victory, Hogan promised to assemble a cabinet consisting of both Republicans and Democrats.[84] He began announcing nominations for his 26-member cabinet on December 17, 2014.[85][86] Of these nominees, five were Democrats: Sam Abed (who was also the only holdover from the O’Malley administration),[85] Rona Kramer,[87] George W. Owings III,[86] Van Mitchell, and Joseph Bartenfelder.[88] Other notable individuals who Hogan named to his administration include Kenneth Holt,[89] Kelly Schulz,[85] David Brinkley,[90] David Craig,[91] Robert Neall, and Joseph Getty.[92]



Hogan as he signs an executive order requiring schools to start after Labor Day, August 2016

As governor, Hogan voiced support for expanding charter schools in the state by loosening the state’s charter school laws.[93][94] In February 2015, he announced proposed regulatory changes to the state’s charter law, including provisions that would give charter schools more authority over hiring and firing practices and setting admissions criteria, and increasing access to public funding.[95] The Maryland legislature approved and passed a watered-down version of Hogan’s proposals,[96] which was signed into law on May 12, 2015.[97] During the 2016 legislative session, Hogan and the Maryland General Assembly agreed to create a state-funded private-school scholarship program to provide assistance to students from low-income families that attend charter schools.[98] In December 2016, Hogan proposed doubling funding for the state program.[99] In 2017, he again proposed changes to the state’s charter laws,[100] which was met with pushback from legislative leaders and teacher unions.[101][102]

In 2013, a bipartisan commission studied whether to move the start of the school year after Labor Day and voted 12–3 to recommend such a measure to then Governor Martin O’Malley.[103] In August 2016, Hogan issued an executive order to set the public schools start date after Labor Day.[104] The measure was opposed by the state teachers’ union, the Maryland State Education Association (MSEA).[105][106]

In early 2017, Hogan proposed a budget that cut funding for community revitalization programs, extended library hours, and public schools in Baltimore City.[107][108] Under the proposed budget, Baltimore City Public Schools would receive $42 million less than the prior year, further exacerbating the $129 million budget gap.[109] In February 2017, in response to the funding crisis, citizens rallied in Annapolis.[110][111] Hogan has criticized the school system for the mismanagement of funds, and has deemed the system’s finances an “absolute disaster”.[112][113] In January 2019, he released a budget that focused mostly on education funding, above what current state formulas require.[114]

In May 2018, Hogan signed a bill appropriating $15 million in need-based scholarships for low- and middle-income students, allowing them to attend community college tuition-free, and appropriating an additional $2 million over a five-year period for older “near-completer” college students who are close to earning degrees at community colleges or four-year colleges.[115][116]

In August 2019, Hogan said that he would veto any proposed tax increase to pay for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, a proposed multi-billion-dollar plan to implement a series of education reforms recommended by the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education.[117][118] In May 2020, Hogan vetoed the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, citing the massive hit on Maryland’s economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. This veto also blocked the implementation of the Build to Learn Act, a bill that would have provided $2.2 billion in extra funding for school construction that contained a provision preventing it from going into effect until the Kirwan bill became law.[119] On February 12, 2021, the Maryland General Assembly voted to override Hogan’s veto of the Kirwan bill.[120] General Assembly leaders also introduced a separate bill to adjust the implementation timeline of the Blueprint to account for Hogan’s veto,[121] which passed and became law without Hogan’s signature.[122]


Hogan and administration officials at the Conowingo Dam, 2017

Hogan supports restoration efforts in the Chesapeake Bay, and said during his 2014 gubernatorial campaign that he would prioritize reducing pollution in the Susquehanna River to improve the bay’s quality and proposed environmental lawsuits against Pennsylvania and New York to reduce upstream sediment pollution. He also said that he would “stand up” for farmers and fishers, who he said were unfairly burdened with regulations passed in Maryland to clean up the Chesapeake Bay.[123] In February 2015, Hogan proposed a $250 million dredging operation at the Conowingo Dam, which he called an “environmental hazard” due to the build-up of over 170 million tons of sediment caused by the dam, and suggested that Exelon (who owns the Conowingo Dam) should be responsible for covering the costs of the operation.[124] In August 2017, Hogan announced a pilot program to remove 25,000 yards (75,000 ft) of sediment from the Conowingo Dam.[125] In October 2019, the Hogan administration reached an agreement with Exelon that would have the energy company invest $200 million in environmental projects around the Susquehanna River and Conowingo Dam,[126] but did not require the company to remove any of the sediment built up by the dam.[127]

In February 2015, Hogan announced proposed regulatory changes on phosphorus nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The water was being polluted as a result of agricultural runoff of chicken manure, which farmers use as fertilizer and is cheap and plentiful in Maryland. Hogan proposed extending the time for about 80% of farmers to fully comply with regulations to 2022, while at the same time imposing a ban on additional phosphorus use by the largest farmers and providing for indefinite delays if there was no other use for the manure.[128] In March 2015, Hogan reached a compromise with Democrats in the General Assembly under which a hard date of 2022 was established, subject to a delay to 2024 if no alternative uses for the manure can be found. The compromise “received tentative praise from both the agricultural community and environmentalists.”[129]

In 2016, Hogan signed legislation to reauthorize greenhouse gas reduction targets and mandate a 40% reduction in statewide carbon pollution by 2030.[130] In 2017, Hogan vetoed legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly to increase the use of renewable energy by setting a renewable portfolio standard to require that 25% of the state’s electricity come from renewable sources (such as solar, wind, and hydroelectricity) by 2020. Hogan and the Maryland Republican Party led an unsuccessful campaign to sustain the veto, but the Democratic-controlled General Assembly overrode it on party lines.[131] In April 2022, Hogan refused to veto or sign a bill that accelerated these efforts, allowing the bill to become law without his signature.[132][133][134]

As a candidate, Hogan called fracking opportunities in western Maryland “an economic gold mine” and faulted the state for taking too long to decide whether to allow drilling for oil.[135] In May 2015, he allowed a bill to impose a two-and-a-half year moratorium on hydraulic fracking in Maryland to become law without his signature.[136][137] In April 2017, Hogan signed a law banning hydraulic fracturing in Maryland.[138] Despite supporting a fracking ban, Hogan also supported pipelines in Maryland that transport natural gas obtained by hydraulic fracturing in other states, including the Eastern Shore Pipeline.[139]

In June 2017, Hogan maintained support for the climate agreement and opposed the United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.[130] In January 2018, he said Maryland would join the United States Climate Alliance formed by California, New York, and Washington.[140]

In November 2021, the Maryland League of Conservation Voters deemed Hogan’s environmental leadership inconsistent in its annual legislative scorecard.[141]

In March 2022, Hogan threatened to veto the Climate Solutions Now Act, an omnibus bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2031, calling it a “reckless and controversial energy tax”,[142] even though the bill contained no tax increases.[143] The bill passed[144][145] and became law without his signature.[146]


The Baltimore Red Line light rail project (pictured in map) was canceled by Governor Hogan in June 2015.

In June 2015, Hogan canceled the federally funded Baltimore Red Line project, instead choosing to reallocate money to road construction across Maryland, fulfilling a 2014 campaign promise. Maryland Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn called the Red Line proposal “fatally flawed” and argued that the light rail line would not connect with other public transportation hubs in Baltimore and would require the construction of a $1 billion tunnel through the heart of the city.[147] But plans detailed that the Red Line would connect to the MARC Train at the West Baltimore station and planned Bayview station, the Baltimore Metro Subway at Charles Center station via a pedestrian tunnel, as well as with the Baltimore Light Rail at the University Center/Baltimore Street station at street level.[148] Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake criticized the project’s cancellation.[149] In May 2022, Hogan vetoed bills that would establish a Baltimore-based regional transit board and to fund a new study of the Red Line project.[150]

Hogan conditionally approved funding for the Purple Line in Maryland’s Washington, D.C. suburbs, subject to increased contributions from Montgomery County and Prince George’s County.[151] This 2017 decision closed down popular bike paths in Montgomery County for what the state Department of Transportation estimates will be five years (ending in 2022), triggering residents’ anger and protests.[152]

In 2016, the Maryland General Assembly introduced HB 1013, the Maryland Open Transportation Investment Decision Act of 2016, which aimed to establish statewide transportation goals through a transparent scoring process by the Maryland Department of Transportation.[153] Inspired by Hogan’s decision to cancel the Baltimore Red Line and shift funding to rural areas of the state, the legislation would require the Transportation Department to develop a project-based scoring system and promulgate regulations for the public.[154] In April 2016, Hogan vetoed the bill, saying that it was politically motivated and would increase the cancellation risk for major transportation projects throughout the state.[155] He said that the bill would force him to cancel 66 transportation projects and called it the “Road Kill Bill”.[156] Hogan did not explain why he considered the measure politically motivated. A prior investigation by the U.S. Department of Transportation revealed that the decision to cancel the red line was made unilaterally by his office without consulting the Maryland Department of Transportation. The General Assembly overrode Hogan’s veto on April 8, 2016.[157] Hogan deemed repealing the legislation to be his top priority, but gridlock and tension between him and the legislature prevented an alternative solution from being reached.[158] In May 2019, The Baltimore Sun reported that transit advocates had accused the Hogan administration of using a biased scoring process in which administration-supported projects (such as the Beltway expansion plan) receive high scores and disfavored ones (such as the Baltimore Red Line) receive low scores. One critic cited in the piece said, “The General Assembly passed this law in an attempt to be more open and transparent…MDOT has complied with the law to the minimum extent possible…Projects they want to fund get perfect scores and projects they don’t want to fund get low scores. It doesn’t pass the smell test that they’re faithfully executing this law.”[159]

During his second term, Hogan made efforts to expand the Maryland sections of the Capital Beltway (Interstate 495) and Interstate 270 by proposing a plan to add up to two high-occupancy toll lanes (referred to critically as “Lexus lanes“) on each highway in each direction, arguing that the project would reduce traffic congestion.[160][161][162] The proposal was highly controversial, and was opposed by a number of planners and officials, including the Prince George’s County Council, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, and local citizens’ organizations such as Citizens Against Beltway Expansion.[160][161][162] The only poll on the subject of the Beltway expansion plan showed that in principle, 61% support the toll road, but 73% were very or somewhat concerned about the loss of homes, 69% very or somewhat concerned that the road would be too expensive to use, and 68% were very or somewhat concerned that the new highway would not reduce congestion.[163][164] The plan’s cost also has risen from $9 billion to $11 billion since it was first made public, an amount that the Hogan administration says will be paid for entirely by private contractors.[165]

On May 8, 2019, the Prince George’s County Council voted unanimously for a proposal requiring Hogan to undertake further environmental reviews before proceeding with the plan.[166] On June 5, the State Board of Public Works (composed of Hogan, State Comptroller Peter Franchot, and State Treasurer Nancy Kopp) voted to approve the proposal. Hogan and Franchot voted in favor of it, Kopp against.[167]

In August 2021, the Maryland Board of Public Works voted to accept a contract that would allow an international consortium to begin design work on the plan to add privately financed toll lanes to portions of the Beltway and I-270, with Hogan and Franchot voting to approve the plans and Kopp voting against it. A second contract, which set up a one-dollar-a-year lease arrangement over 60 years between the Maryland Department of Transportation and the Maryland Transportation Authority, was also agreed upon.[168] On November 19, 2021, the Maryland Transportation Authority Board voted unanimously to approve toll rates on Interstate 270, with prices depending on whether drivers use EZ-Pass or video tolling, the driver’s vehicle and amount of passengers, and if drivers commute during hours where traffic is especially acute.[169]

Some consider these decisions contradictory to Hogan’s stated support for the Paris Climate accord. He has also been accused of seeking to advance his business interests through his position.[170]

COVID-19 pandemic

Larry Hogan sits at a round table with members of his administration on a conference call with White House officials about the COVID-19 pandemic. On the television screen is President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
Hogan meets with White House officials on the COVID-19 pandemic, March 2020

Hogan declared a state of emergency on March 5, 2020, after three Montgomery County residents tested positive for COVID-19.[171][172] The emergency declaration allowed public health experts and emergency management officials to coordinate more with state and local leaders to handle the virus. Hogan also filed a supplemental budget requesting $10 million to fund an emergency response to the virus.[173] The Maryland Senate unanimously approved Hogan’s budget request on March 12, 2020.[174]

On March 12, 2020, Hogan ordered the closure of all public schools in the state starting March 16 and ending March 27 to allow for the cleaning and disinfecting of school buildings to prevent the virus’s spread. He signed an executive order activating the Maryland Army National Guard and moving the Maryland Emergency Management Agency‘s activation level to its highest level of readiness, and another prohibiting all social, community, religious, recreational and sports gatherings of more than 250 people in close proximity. He mandated remote work by all nonessential state employees, directed hospitals to adopt new visitor policies, suspended visits at state prisons, limited public access to state buildings, and closed all senior living facilities until the state was no longer under a state of emergency.[175] Hogan signed another executive order a few days later ordering the closure of all Maryland casinos, racetracks, and simulcast betting facilities until the state of emergency expired.[176]

As cases continued to rise, Hogan signed another executive order suspending on-site bar and restaurant services, closing movie theaters and gyms, and banning gatherings of more than 50 people. Non-compliant businesses and individuals were fined $5,000 or received a year in jail.[177] From March 23 to April 19, Hogan signed a series of executive orders aimed at reducing the virus’s spread, including an eviction and utility shut-off moratorium, closures of nonessential businesses, a stay-at-home order, and an extension for all expiring identity documents.[178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187] He used coronavirus “strike teams”, made up of the National Guard, state and local health departments and hospital systems, to provide emergency care, supplies and equipment to nursing homes to combat coronavirus case outbreaks.[188]

As hospitalization rates began to stabilize, Hogan announced that the state would begin formulating a plan to roll back coronavirus restrictions and gradually reopen the economy, beginning with a mask mandate on April 15, 2020.[189][190] On April 24, he unveiled the state’s three-stage plan for reopening the state’s economy, with the first step involving lifting the state’s stay-at-home order.[191] Hogan lifted the stay-at-home order on May 13, after a two-week decline in hospitalizations statewide, and continued the rest of the state’s first stage of reopening on May 27.[192][193] He began the second stage of reopening on June 5, by reopening certain businesses and personal services at 50% capacity.[194][195]

Two members of the 175th Wing of the Maryland Air National Guard unload crates containing COVID-19 tests from an Korean Air plane
COVID-19 tests imported from South Korea through Operation Enduring Friendship, April 2020

On April 20, 2020, Hogan announced that the state had brokered a $10 million deal with South Korea to acquire 500,000 COVID-19 tests after weeks of negotiations in a confidential project called Operation Enduring Friendship.[196][197] Upon their delivery, he deployed members of the state’s National Guard and the state police to supervise the testing kits at an “undisclosed location” after reports of federal officials seizing supplies delivered to other states.[198] Citing apparent reliability problems, the University of Maryland lab in Baltimore stopped using these test kits in September 2020, replacing the tests with ones developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[199] It was later revealed that the acquired tests had been flawed and were left unused, which led the Hogan administration to acquire 500,000 replacement tests from the same company it had originally purchased test kits from for $2.5 million.[200] Acting Maryland Secretary of Health Dennis Schrader acknowledged the Hogan administration’s replacement of its test kits in December 2020.[201] In May 2021, Hogan vetoed a bill that would create greater transparency in emergency procurements that had passed the state House of Delegates and the Senate in a 131–1 and 47–0 vote, respectively.[202] An audit conducted by the Maryland Office of Legislative Audits found that over $190 million in pandemic-related emergency purchases made by state agencies, including the procurement of the South Korean company LabGenomics test kits, lacked appropriate records.[203]

In July 2020, as hospitalization rates began to rise again, Hogan issued a new statewide mask mandate, advised Maryland residents against traveling to states with a positivity rate of 10% or higher, and extended the state’s eviction and utility shut-off moratorium.[204][205] On August 27, he announced that he had authorized every county school board system to begin safely reopening schools, citing improved coronavirus metrics.[206] A few days later, he announced that the state would proceed with the third stage of its reopening plan on September 4 by reopening casinos, theaters, and concert venues.[207] Hogan gave 16 community colleges a $10 million grant in September 2020 to assist people impacted by the pandemic, and later unveiled a $500 million economic relief package to help Maryland business owners recover.[208][209]

Hogan renewed the state’s coronavirus state of emergency declaration on October 31 and its state travel advisories on November 5, 2020, after a sudden increase in COVID-19 cases across the state.[210][211] He also reintroduced capacity restrictions in public spaces and buildings in order to reduce the virus’s spread.[212][213][214][215] As Maryland reached 200,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, Hogan activated the Maryland Medical Reserve Corps and allowed medical and nursing students to help staff the state’s testing and vaccination sites.[216] He later implemented new gathering and travel restrictions as cases continued to soar.[217]

Map of Maryland with marks showing locations of mass vaccination sites

Six Flags America
Six Flags America
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore Convention Center
M&T Bank Stadium
M&T Bank Stadium
Regency Furniture Stadium
Regency Furniture Stadium
Wicomico Civic Center
Wicomico Civic Center
Hagerstown Premium Outlets
Hagerstown Premium Outlets
Montgomery College Germantown
Montgomery College Germantown
Timonium Fairgrounds
Timonium Fairgrounds
The Mall in Columbia
The Mall in Columbia
Ripken Ironbirds Stadium
Ripken Ironbirds Stadium
800 Oak Street, Frederick
800 Oak Street, Frederick
Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium
Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium

Locations of state-run mass vaccination sites in Maryland

On December 8, 2020, Hogan announced that Maryland would receive its first batch of COVID-19 vaccines by December 14 and laid out a four-phase plan for who would receive the first doses.[218][219] His administration opened mass vaccination sites across the state, starting with Six Flags America and the Baltimore Convention Center in February 2021.[220][221][222][223][224][225][226] Hogan opened 12 mass vaccination sites by the end of April 2021 and worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to deploy the first federal mobile COVID-19 vaccination sites on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.[227][228] In February 2021, Hogan signed into law a bill providing tax relief for families and businesses struggling with the pandemic and distributing direct payments of $500 to families and $300 to low-income individuals.[229]

Hogan signed an executive order lifting the state’s restrictions on restaurants, retail businesses, religious facilities, casinos, and social gatherings on March 12, 2021, but kept social distancing and mask mandate requirements in place.[230] A few weeks later, he announced plans to initiate the start of the final phases of Maryland’s vaccine distribution plan, with the second stage starting on March 30 and the third stage on April 27, 2021.[231] Hogan signed an executive order lifting the outdoor mask mandate and dining restrictions on April 28, 2021, and lifted all remaining COVID-19 related restrictions on May 15.[232][233][234] On June 15, he announced that he would not renew the state’s coronavirus emergency declaration when it expired on July 1.[235] He later signed a proclamation keeping the conditions of the emergency declaration in place through August 15, 2021.[236]

On June 1, 2021, Hogan announced that on July 3 he would join two dozen other Republican governors in ending the $300 supplemental weekly unemployment insurance provided by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.[237] A judge temporarily halted the Hogan administration’s plans to end unemployment benefits early before eventually blocking the decision altogether.[238][239] The Maryland Court of Appeals dismissed Hogan’s appeal of the ruling, and Circuit Court Judge Lawrence Fletcher-Hill issued a preliminary injunction blocking the Hogan administration from terminating federal unemployment assistance.[240][241]

In August 2021, Hogan issued a vaccine mandate requiring all hospital and nursing home workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine by September 1, 2021, or receive weekly testing.[242]

In September 2021, Hogan authorized COVID-19 booster shots for nursing home residents and immunocompromised residents.[243] In November 2021, booster shot eligibility was expanded to all Maryland adults.[244]

Roy McGrath

Hogan with Roy McGrath, 2019

Roy McGrath was Hogan’s chief of staff for two months in 2020, until The Baltimore Sun broke news of a $233,647 severance he received in 2020 upon leaving the Maryland Environmental Service to take the chief of staff position.[245][246] According to an affidavit obtained by the Baltimore Banner, Hogan was alerted of the payout by a board member of the Maryland Environmental Service on August 2, 2020. He called McGrath into his office the next day to discuss the payout, but did not take any action until The Sun article was released.[247] Hogan maintained that he did not know about the severance payment, and ordered an audit of the Maryland Environmental Service following his resignation.[248][249] McGrath was facing wire fraud and embezzlement charges and became a fugitive when he failed to show up to federal court in Baltimore[245] in a trial wherein Hogan was to be called as a witness.[250] McGrath died on April 3, 2023, after simultaneously shooting himself and being shot by a law enforcement officer that day in a confrontation with FBI agents in Knoxville, Tennessee; either head wound alone would have been fatal.[245][251][252]

Gun control

During his 2014 gubernatorial campaign, Hogan said he opposed the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, which placed restrictions on firearm purchases and magazine capacity in semi-automatic rifles,[253] but supported background checks on firearm purchases and banning assault weapons.[254][255]

In October 2018, a law tightening gun control regulations that Hogan signed went into effect. The law banned bump stocks and gun ownership by convicted domestic abusers.[256] Hogan was endorsed by the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA) in 2014,[257] but in July 2018, he said he would decline an endorsement and funds from the NRA if they were offered.[258] In September 2018 the NRA downgraded its rating of Hogan to “C” and declined to endorse him.[256][259]

On May 24, 2019, Hogan vetoed a bill to replace the state Handgun Permit Review Board with a panel of judges. The Handgun Review Board hears appeals from Marylanders whose applications for handgun permits were denied by the Maryland State Police. Critics accused it of being too lenient in granting appeals. Hogan condemned the bill as a “solution in search of a problem.”[260]

In April 2022, Hogan refused to veto or sign a bill that would ban the sale and possession of privately made firearms, allowing the bill to become law without his signature.[261] He vetoed legislation that would require gun shops to have increased safety measures, including 24-hour burglary alarm systems and anti-vehicle barriers.[133][134] The General Assembly overrode Hogan’s veto the next day.[262]

In July 2022, Hogan directed the Maryland State Police to end the “good and substantial” reasoning standard when issuing carry permits. The order was issued a few weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court declared a similar provision in New York unconstitutional in NYSRPA v. Bruen.[263]


Hogan meeting resettled Afghan interpreters in 2021

During his 2014 gubernatorial campaign, Hogan said he opposed “open-border policies”[264] and supported returning undocumented immigrants living in Maryland back to their countries of origin “as quickly as possible”.[265]

After the November 2015 Paris attacks, Hogan asked that the federal government “cease any additional settlement programs of Syrian refugees in Maryland until the U.S. government can provide appropriate assurances that refugees from Syria pose no threat to public safety.”[266] He opposed President Donald Trump‘s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.[267] He recalled Maryland National Guard forces from the U.S.–Mexico border to protest the Trump administration family separation policy.[268]

In May 2021, Hogan vetoed a bill passed by the General Assembly that would require counties that have contracts with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to end their contracts by October 1, 2022.[269] The General Assembly overrode the veto during its 2021 special session.[270]

In August 2021, Hogan announced that Maryland would be “ready and willing” to accept additional Afghan refugees.[271] The state took in 1,348 Afghan refugees amid the evacuation.[272]


Hogan is pro-Israel. In October 2017, Hogan signed an executive order requiring firms that have state contracts to promise they will not boycott Israel.[273] In January 2019, the Council on American-Islamic Relations sued Hogan and Attorney General Brian Frosh on behalf of Saqib Ali, a former member of the House of Delegates, challenging the executive order under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.[274][275] In October 2020, U.S. District Judge Catherine Blake refused to block the executive order.[276] In a debate hosted by NBC for the Maryland senate race in 2024, against Angela Alsobrooks, Hogan considered supporting Palestine to be “both-sideism”.[277]

Policing and criminal justice

A Maryland National Guard soldier in front of Baltimore City Hall, April 28, 2015

The April 2015 death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African American man, in Baltimore Police Department custody led to a wave of protests. After violent clashes broke out, Hogan declared a state of emergency and activated the Maryland National Guard.[278][279] Several thousand National Guard troops, Maryland State Police troopers, and others were eventually deployed in Baltimore to quell violence.[280][281]

In July 2015, Hogan announced the closure of the decrepit Baltimore City Detention Center, which had a long record of poor conditions and dysfunction. He did not notify Baltimore City mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake or leaders of the state general assembly of the plan.[282] Civil liberties and reform groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union, Public Justice Center, and Justice Policy Institute supported Hogan’s move. The last prisoners were moved out of the jail in late August 2015.[283]

In 2016, Hogan reopened the Maryland State Police Barrack in Annapolis, which had closed in 2008 as a cost-saving measure.[284]

In September 2019, Hogan directed Attorney General Brian Frosh to prosecute more violent crime cases in Baltimore City. He said that the city’s justice system was too lenient, citing an example of someone who had a pending murder charge but was set free. Marilyn Mosby, the State’s Attorney for Baltimore, disputed Hogan’s characterization of the city’s justice system. Hogan authorized state police helicopters to fly over Baltimore City and ordered an increase in the enforcement of outstanding warrants.[285]

Hogan vetoed legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2015 to restore the voting rights of persons convicted of felonies following their completion of prison sentences. The General Assembly overrode the veto. The law applies to about 44,000 former prisoners.[286]

In 2021, Hogan vetoed bills that would “raise the bar for officers to use force; give civilians a role in police discipline for the first time; restrict no-knock warrants; mandate body cameras; and open some allegations of police wrongdoing for public review.” The Maryland legislature overrode his vetoes.[287]

In April 2021, Hogan vetoed a bill to abolish life without parole sentences for juvenile offenders.[288] The legislature overrode the veto.[289]

In May 2021, Hogan granted posthumous pardons to 34 victims of racial lynchings in Maryland between the years 1854 and 1933.[290][291]

In late May 2021, Hogan vetoed a bill that would remove the governor from parole decisions made by the Maryland Parole Commission.[292] The General Assembly overrode his veto during its 2021 special session.[293]

In October 2021, Hogan proposed a $150 million “Re-Fund the Police” initiative aimed at increasing support for the state’s law enforcement agencies and victims of violent crime.[294][295] The Maryland General Assembly approved a state budget containing the initiative with an amendment that would allocate funding in proportion to the number of violent crimes reported in local jurisdictions.[296]

In November 2021, citing a wave of violent crime in Baltimore, Hogan announced that his administration would fast-track and expand the $10 million Neighborhood Safety Grants program to include places of worship and vulnerable communities, and introduced two pieces of legislation aimed at decreasing crime.[297][298] He also announced that the state would conduct an audit of the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office, demanding Mosby produce detailed statistics on how often her office dismisses cases or strikes deals with defendants.[299][300] Senate president Bill Ferguson said that the legislature would not take up Hogan’s proposed bills during its 2021 special session.[301]

In April 2022, Hogan vetoed a bill that would require police officers to contact children’s parents or guardians and allow them to speak with an attorney before they are interrogated.[133][134] The General Assembly overrode Hogan’s veto the next day.[262]


In May 2017, Hogan vetoed a bill that would have enacted nonpartisan redistricting in Maryland if New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina all passed the same deal.[302]

In January 2018, Hogan signed an amicus brief filed by former California Governor Gray Davis in the Supreme Court case Benisek v. Lamone, arguing that Maryland’s partisan gerrymandering system violates voters’ constitutional rights.[303]

Hogan signs a bill adopting new congressional districts for Maryland on April 4, 2022

In January 2021, Hogan signed an executive order establishing the Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission (MCRC), which consisted of three Republicans, three Democrats, and three independent voters, in an effort to resolve a gerrymandering issue in the state. The commission would be in charge of creating legislative maps.[304] It held 36 meetings and opened an online mapping application portal for the public to give input into the redistricting process before submitting its final maps on November 4, 2021.[305] Hogan accepted the commission’s final map the following day, sending it to the Maryland General Assembly for consideration during a special session on December 6, 2021.[306] He also threatened a legal battle against any maps the General Assembly passed over his veto that he considered unfair.[307] During its 2021 special session, the House Rules Committee did not vote on the commission’s maps, instead passing its own map, drawn by the Legislative Redistricting Advisory Committee (LRAC), by a vote of 18–6.[308] The General Assembly rejected amendments that would have swapped out the LRAC proposal with the maps drawn by the MCRC, and sent its maps to Hogan on December 8.[309][310] Hogan vetoed the LRAC proposal on December 9. The General Assembly overrode his veto the same day.[311] After Judge Lynne A. Battaglia struck down the legislature’s maps in March 2022, Hogan issued a statement celebrating the ruling and calling on the General Assembly to enact the MCRC map.[312] The General Assembly again drew its own map a few days later,[313] which passed and was signed into law by Hogan on April 4, 2022, after legislative leaders dropped their appeal of Battaglia’s ruling.[314]

Sick-leave and paid family leave

In December 2016, Hogan proposed state legislation to require companies with 50 or more employees to provide five days per year of paid sick leave. Hogan’s bill was less expansive than legislation passed by the Maryland House of Delegates; it would also have preempted local legislation that was more generous to employees, such as mandated paid sick leave required by Montgomery County, Maryland.[315][316] In the legislature, Hogan’s proposal failed to advance out of committee, and the House of Delegates passed more expansive legislation that requires companies with 15 employees or more to provide seven paid sick-leave days a year, requires companies with fewer than 15 employees to provide five days of unpaid sick leave, and affords benefits for part-time employees.[317] Hogan vetoed the more generous bill, but his veto was overridden.

In April 2022, Hogan vetoed a bill that would provide 12 weeks of partially paid family leave and up to 24 weeks of paid leave for new parents.[133][134] The General Assembly overrode Hogan’s veto the next day.[262]

Social issues


Hogan personally opposes abortion but has said he “will not try to change Maryland’s laws protecting women’s rights to the procedure nor to limit access to contraception.”[318] Although he commented in opposition to abortion in the early 1980s, he said in the 1990s that abortion should remain legal.[319] In 2016, Hogan signed a law making birth control cheaper.[320] In 2017, the legislature passed a bill to reimburse Planned Parenthood in the event that the federal government withdrew funding, and Hogan allowed the bill to become a law without his signature.[321][322] He characterized as unnecessary a 2018 initiative Democratic state lawmakers put forward to protect abortion in the Maryland constitution but declined to oppose it, adding that he supported allowing Marylanders to vote on it, which would automatically happen if the General Assembly approved it.[323] “Our laws in Maryland already guarantee a woman’s right to choose”, he said. “We have some very strong laws and any change in the Supreme Court would not affect Maryland, so I don’t think that a constitutional amendment is required, but if that’s what they want to do, I’m all for that. Let the voters decide.”[324] In April 2022, Hogan vetoed a bill that would expand abortion access by expanding the types of medical professionals who can perform abortions in the state.[133][134] The General Assembly overrode his veto the next day.[262] Despite the override, Hogan withheld funding for training new abortion providers, effectively delaying the state’s training program for a year.[325]

NARAL Pro-Choice America, a political action committee that supports legal abortion, rated Hogan as “mixed-choice” in February 2018.[326]

LGBTQ rights

In 2014, Hogan opposed a transgender rights law signed by Governor Martin O’Malley. As a gubernatorial candidate, he said that he was “originally for civil unions” but that he has evolved to support same-sex marriage.[327] In 2015, Hogan expanded an executive order to include protections for gender identity among “executive branch employees.”[328] He neither signed nor vetoed a 2015 bill that allowed transgender Marylanders to change the gender listed on their birth certificates, allowing the bill to become law without his signature.[329]

In May 2018, Hogan signed legislation into law making Maryland the 11th state to ban conversion therapy for minors.[330]

In June 2021, Hogan refused to veto or sign a bill banning the use of the gay panic defense and another bill creating the Commission on LGBTQ Affairs in the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives. As a result, both laws went into effect without his signature on October 1, 2021.[331]


In 2016, Hogan vetoed legislation to decriminalize possession of marijuana paraphernalia in Maryland, making it a civil infraction rather than a crime. The General Assembly overrode the veto.[131][332] In May 2021, he vetoed a bill the state legislature passed that decriminalized the possession of drug paraphernalia and reduced the maximum penalty for possession from four years in prison and a $25,000 fine to one year’s imprisonment and a $1,000 fine.[269] In April 2022, Hogan refused to veto or sign a bill that created a framework for legalizing recreational marijuana, allowing the bill to become law without his signature. The bill was dependent on a constitutional referendum to legalize recreational marijuana that voters approved in the 2022 elections.[133][134]

National politics

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and Hogan at the 2015 Preakness Stakes

On July 15, 2015, Hogan endorsed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in his campaign for the Republican nomination for president.[333] In June 2016, Hogan said he had no plans to support Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee.[334] Instead, on election day, Hogan wrote in his father, Lawrence Hogan, for president.[335] He later attended Trump’s inauguration.[336] During Trump’s administration, Hogan mixed criticism of Trump (including a suggestion that the Republican Party should reorient itself away from Trump) with praise for Trump in economic and public health matters.[337][338]

In his January 2019 inaugural address, Hogan hinted he was considering launching a Republican primary challenge to Trump in the 2020 presidential election.[339] In March 2019, Hogan said he was listening to many who were encouraging him to challenge Trump and would not rule it out.[340] In an April 2019 event in New Hampshire, Hogan said he intended to give “serious consideration” to a primary challenge to Trump.[341] Polls conducted in April and May 2019 suggested Hogan would receive the votes of 24% of Republican voters against 68% for Trump in the Maryland Republican primary.[342] In June 2019, Hogan announced that he would not challenge Trump in the 2020 Republican primaries in order to focus on governing Maryland and chairing the National Governors Association.[343] Shortly afterward, Hogan said he had no interest in running for the U.S. Senate in 2022, but left open the possibility of running for president in 2024.[344] He also launched An America United, a national advocacy group that is also intended to raise Hogan’s profile and give him a voice on the national level.[344]

Hogan visiting Maryland Army National Guard troops deployed in Washington, D.C., two days before Joe Biden‘s presidential inauguration

In October 2019, Hogan announced his support for the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry against Trump.[345] In February 2020, after Trump was impeached and acquitted by the Senate, Hogan criticized Congress, saying that House Democrats “had already decided before the hearings that the president should be impeached” and that Senate Republicans were going to acquit Trump “no matter what the facts were”.[346] In September 2020, Hogan endorsed U.S. Senator Susan Collins for reelection.[347] In November 2020, he announced his support for Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the January 2021 runoff elections in Georgia.[348]

In August 2020, during an interview on the Maryland response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hogan said that he was unenthusiastic about Trump and the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, but said it was conceivable that his vote could be swayed by either candidate before election day.[349] He ultimately stated that he wrote in a vote for late President Ronald Reagan.[350]

In December 2020, Hogan was announced as the national co-chair of No Labels, a centrist political organization.[351]

In January 2021, in response to the storming of the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, Hogan sent in the Maryland National Guard to protect the Capitol, after initially being denied permission multiple times.[352] Shortly after the attack, Hogan said, “I think there’s no question that America would be better off if the president would resign or be removed from office.”[352] He supported Trump’s impeachment for incitement of insurrection and said that, had he been in the Senate, he would have voted to convict Trump and remove him from office.[353] Hogan later ordered the Maryland National Guard to aid in protecting the inauguration of Biden.[354][355]

In August 2021, Hogan applauded the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in the Senate and thanked his Senate partners for including every recommendation the National Governors Association made.[356][357][358][359] He also criticized Trump and other Republicans for targeting the 13 House Republicans who voted for the act.[360]

In November 2021, after the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act, Hogan issued a statement urging the Senate to reject the bill.[361] In August 2024, a Hogan spokesperson told Inside Climate News that he had reservations with the Inflation Reduction Act and would seek to adjust provisions affecting oil and gas production if elected to the U.S. Senate.[362]

During a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition in November 2022, Hogan complimented Trump’s achievements in his first term, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, his U.S. Supreme Court appointments, and policies toward Israel and domestic energy production. After Semafor reported on these remarks in August 2024, a Hogan spokesperson told the news website that Hogan’s remarks were in the context of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Carson v. Makin, which held that students could not be excluded from scholarships for attending religious-based private schools.[363]

Post-gubernatorial career

Despite initial speculation, Hogan announced in 2023 that he would not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2024.[364] Later, Hogan said he had not ruled out running as a third-party candidate should the 2024 election become a rematch of the 2020 election between Trump and Biden. Such a third-party bid would likely have been as a candidate of No Labels, which Hogan said had “raised about $50 million to get [ballot] access in all 50 states as kind of an insurance policy”.[365] At the end of 2023, Hogan resigned as national co-chair of No Labels, a move seen at the time as preparation for a presidential bid.[366] In January 2024, a day before the Iowa caucuses, he endorsed Nikki Haley‘s presidential campaign.[7]

After Haley suspended her campaign in March 2024, Hogan said that he would not vote for Trump or Biden in the general election,[367] instead saying that he would cast a write-in vote for a candidate to state his dissatisfaction with the modern Republican Party.[368] After Biden withdrew and Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee, Hogan reiterated that he would not support Trump or Harris.[369] On October 29, 2024, Hogan told CNN that he would not vote for anyone in the presidential election, saying that he “never voted for anybody I didn’t believe in”.[370]

2024 U.S. Senate campaign

On February 9, 2024, Hogan unexpectedly filed to run for U.S. Senate in Maryland, seeking to succeed retiring U.S. Senator Ben Cardin.[371] Hogan had repeatedly denied being interested in running for senator, but changed his mind after many senate Republicans, pressed by former President Donald Trump, voted against a combined border security and foreign aid bill. He also credited former President George W. Bush with finally convincing him to run for senate.[372] Upon entering the race, Hogan immediately became the frontrunner of the Republican primary and made the race more competitive, with The Cook Political Report lowering its rating of the race from “Solid Democrat” to “Likely Democrat”.[371]

Hogan won the Republican primary election on May 14, 2024, and faced Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks in the general election.[9] The Washington Post predicted that the election would “test the endurance of Hogan’s popularity” among voters, especially among Democrats, who outnumber registered Republicans 2-to-1 and were key to Hogan’s successes in past elections.[373]

Hogan attends services at Beth El Congregation on the anniversary of the October 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel, 2024

During his campaign, Hogan promoted policy platforms that included proposals to increase funding for police departments and border patrol,[374] and lowering federal taxes on businesses and seniors.[375] He called a 2024 referendum on enshrining Roe v. Wade into the Maryland Constitution “not really necessary”. Hogan initially refused to clarify his stance on abortion, only saying that he would not vote for a national abortion ban if elected to the Senate.[376] He also declined to say if he would support bills to protect access to in vitro fertilization into federal law,[377] but later said that he would support legislation restoring the Roe decision, backing Question 1, and identifying as pro-choice. At the same time, Hogan declined to support the Women’s Health Protection Act, citing provisions that explicitly ban a long list of abortion restrictions, saying that he would instead back a bipartisan compromise bill.[378] Hogan also said that he would support federal legislation to ban assault weapons and impose universal background checks on gun purchases,[379] and supported Israel in the Israel–Hamas war and criticized calls for a ceasefire in the conflict, saying that the war should not end until Hamas surrenders and releases all hostages.[380]

In May 2024, Hogan posted on X (formerly Twitter) to say that Americans should “respect the verdict and the legal process”,[381] in reference to any decision made in the Trump hush money trial.[382] Later that day, a jury found Trump guilty on all charges.[383] This caused Hogan backlash among some pro-Trump Republicans, most notably including senior Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita, who replied to Hogan’s post saying that Hogan’s campaign has “ended”;[382] as well as Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee and daughter-in-law to the former president. Lara Trump said in an interview that “[Hogan] doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party at this point, and quite frankly, anybody in America.”[384] Ultimately, in early June 2024, Donald Trump endorsed Hogan in his senatorial campaign.[385] Hogan was not aware of Trump’s impending endorsement, and in response his campaign released a statement stating Hogan was still not supporting Trump’s presidential campaign.[386]

Hogan was defeated by Alsobrooks in the general election on November 5, 2024. Hogan’s performance was the best for a Republican since 2006, in which Republican lieutenant governor Michael Steele was defeated by Cardin.[387]

Personal life

Hogan with his wife Yumi in 2018

During his governorship, Hogan resided in Government House in Annapolis with his wife Yumi Hogan,[388] a Korean-origin U.S. citizen who is an artist and adjunct instructor at Maryland Institute College of Art.[389] The couple met in 2001[12] and married in 2004.[390] Hogan and his wife are Roman Catholic. Hogan is the stepfather of Yumi’s three adult daughters from her first marriage:[391][392] Kim Velez, Jaymi Sterling, and Julie Kim.[393] Sterling has served as state’s attorney for St. Mary’s County since 2023.[394] Hogan’s half-brother, Patrick N. Hogan, represented a district in Frederick County, Maryland in the Maryland House of Delegates from 2003 to 2007 and 2011 to 2015.[395][396]

In September 2014, Hogan said that he had lost at least 25 pounds (10 kg) while campaigning for governor.[397] He regained 40 pounds (20 kg) from eating unhealthily and from steroids he took while being treated for non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2015, but had lost half of the regained weight by 2017.[398] During the COVID-19 pandemic, Hogan lost more than 30 pounds (10 kg) after enrolling in a Medifast program.[399]

In June 2015, Hogan announced that he had been diagnosed with stage-three non-Hodgkin lymphoma[400][401] and was undergoing treatment.[402] He completed 18 weeks of chemotherapy[403] and announced in November 2015 that the cancer was in remission.[404] He underwent his last chemotherapy treatment in October 2016 and was deemed cancer-free.[405][406] In January 2021, Hogan underwent surgery to remove early stage squamous cell skin cancer from his face and shoulder, a repeat of similar surgery he had in 2018.[407]

In 2021, Hogan purchased a home and estate for $1.1 million in Davidsonville, Maryland.[408]

Electoral history

Maryland’s 5th congressional district special Republican primary election, 1981
RepublicanAudrey Scott 8,750 63.21
RepublicanLarry Hogan3,09522.36
RepublicanJohn Lillard1,1398.23
RepublicanJean Speicher2361.70
RepublicanDavid Elliot2151.55
RepublicanJon William Robinson1010.73
RepublicanWoodworth Watrous790.57
RepublicanGeorge Benns720.52
RepublicanFrederick Taylor660.48
RepublicanIrvin Henson Jr.400.29
RepublicanJack Price250.18
RepublicanRobert Byron Brickell240.17
Maryland’s 5th congressional district Republican primary election, 1992
RepublicanLarry Hogan 12,661 48.60
RepublicanGerald Schuster4,96719.07
RepublicanJohn Douglas Parran4,02015.43
RepublicanTheodore Henderson2,2758.73
RepublicanMichael Swetnam1,4955.74
RepublicanJohn Michael Fleig6332.43
Maryland’s 5th congressional district election, 1992
DemocraticSteny Hoyer 118,312 52.98
RepublicanLarry Hogan97,98243.87
IndependentWilliam Johnston6,9903.13
IndependentJames McLaughlin400.02
IndependentLisa Ashelman20.00
Maryland gubernatorial Republican primary, 2014[409]
RepublicanLarry Hogan/Boyd Rutherford 92,376 42.98
RepublicanDavid R. Craig/Jeannie Haddaway62,63929.14
RepublicanCharles Lollar/Kenneth Timmerman33,29215.49
RepublicanRon George/Shelley Aloi26,62812.39
2014 Maryland gubernatorial election[409]
RepublicanLarry Hogan884,40051.03
DemocraticAnthony Brown818,89047.25
LibertarianShawn Quinn25,3821.46
Maryland gubernatorial Republican primary, 2018[410]
RepublicanLarry Hogan (incumbent) 210,935 100.00%
Total votes210,935 100.00%
2018 Maryland gubernatorial election[411]
RepublicanLarry Hogan (incumbent) 1,275,644 55.4
DemocraticBen Jealous1,002,63943.5
LibertarianShawn Quinn13,2410.6
GreenIan Schlakman11,1750.5
United States Senate Republican primary election in Maryland, 2024[412]
RepublicanLarry Hogan 183,661 64.18%
RepublicanRobin Ficker79,51727.79%
RepublicanChris Chaffee9,1343.19%
RepublicanLorie Friend5,8672.05%
RepublicanJohn A. Myrick4,9871.74%
RepublicanMoe Barakat2,2030.77%
RepublicanLaban Seyoum7820.27%
Total votes286,151 100.00%
United States Senate election in Maryland, 2024[413]
DemocraticAngela Alsobrooks 1,650,912 54.64% −10.22%
RepublicanLarry Hogan1,294,34442.84%+12.53%
LibertarianMike Scott69,3962.30%+1.30%
Total votes3,021,378 100.00%


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  403. ^ Cox, Erin (October 14, 2015). “Gov. Larry Hogan completes cancer treatment”. The Baltimore Sun.
  404. ^ Hicks, Josh (November 16, 2015). “Gov. Hogan’s cancer is in remission, 30 days after he completed chemo”. The Washington Post.
  405. ^ Khan, Saliqa (October 4, 2016). “Gov. Larry Hogan undergoes last chemo treatment”. WBAL-TV.
  406. ^ Wiggins, Ovetta (October 3, 2016). “Hogan has last chemo treatment, is ‘100 percent cancer-free’. The Washington Post.
  407. ^ Wood, Pamela (January 13, 2021). “Maryland Gov. Hogan to have ‘early stage’ skin cancer removed”. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved March 3, 2021.
  408. ^ “Governor Larry Hogan’s New House in Davidsonville”. The Capital. Capital Gazette. April 27, 2021.
  409. ^ a b “Official 2014 Gubernatorial General Election results for Governor / Lt. Governor”. Maryland State Board of Elections. December 2, 2014.
  410. ^ “Official 2018 Gubernatorial Primary Election results for Governor / Lt. Governor”. Maryland State Board of Elections. Annapolis, Maryland: State Board of Elections. July 31, 2018. Archived from the original on September 19, 2018. Retrieved April 4, 2023.
  411. ^ “Official 2018 Gubernatorial General Election results for Governor / Lt. Governor”. Maryland State Board of Elections. December 11, 2018.
  412. ^ “Official 2024 Election Results”. Maryland State Board of Elections. Retrieved May 13, 2024.
  413. ^ “Official 2024 Presidential General Election Results for U.S. Senator”. Maryland State Board of Elections. Retrieved December 5, 2024.
Party political offices
Preceded by

Republican nominee for Governor of Maryland
2014, 2018
Succeeded by

Preceded by

Republican nominee for U.S. Senator from Maryland
(Class 1)

Most recent
Political offices
Preceded by

Martin O’Malley
Governor of Maryland
Succeeded by

Preceded by

Chair of the National Governors Association
Succeeded by

U.S. order of precedence (ceremonial)
Preceded by

as Former Governor

Order of precedence of the United States
Within Maryland
Succeeded by

as Former Governor

Order of precedence of the United States
Outside Maryland
Succeeded by

as Former Governor