Democracy and Freedom Festival

Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), Twitter post


The annual Elijah E. Cummings Democracy and Freedom Festivals—”a free event brings together scholars and practitioners from across the country to join with the Johns Hopkins and Baltimore communities as we grapple with some of the most urgent challenges facing democracy, model civic engagement across divides, and celebrate democratic resilience and opportunity”.

Celebrating the life and legacy of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, The Elijah E. Cummings Democracy and Freedom Festival is a series of events aimed at educating citizens about the importance of democracy and its essential role in advancing freedom, justice, and equality for all. Hosted by the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins.

OnAir Post: Democracy and Freedom Festival


Freedom Festival takes on disinformation and democracy, Alanah Nichole Davis, February 14, 2024

At the Johns Hopkins institute-produced event, experts debated the complex relationship between truth, technology and privacy in the digital age.

he role of social media as a primary news source and the potential threat of disinformation to democracy was the focus of an intense debate during a recent gathering at a Baltimore-based global research foundation.
Since 2017, the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) has aimed to strengthen global democracy through civic engagement and inclusive dialogue, offering university courses, public programs and fellowships.

Last week, the institute held the Elijah E. Cummings Democracy and Freedom Festival at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum to further this aim.

The event culminated in a debate revolving around the complex relationship between truth, technology and democracy in the digital age.

“I think it’s fair to say that a healthy democracy hinges on the ability of any individual to hear and to be heard in the marketplace of ideas,” said Hopkins’ president Ronald J. Daniels in his event introduction.

Cities and Citizenship
Wednesday, February 8
Reginald F. Lewis Museum, Baltimore

Highlights from the Festival

Join the SNF Agora Institute for the third annual Elijah E. Cummings Democracy and Freedom Festival—a free event bringing together scholars and practitioners from across the country to join with the Johns Hopkins and Baltimore communities as we grapple with some of the most urgent challenges facing democracy, model civic engagement across divides, and celebrate democratic resilience and opportunity.

Through this year’s theme, “cities and citizenship,” we will be exploring questions about the challenges cities face at the frontlines of democracy and the innovations they are making to strengthen local engagement. The festival also includes an art installation by Globe Collection and Press, music by DJ Mebaa, and a dinner hosted by The People’s Supper.

All programming takes place at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum, 830 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. Johns Hopkins students can take advantage of a free shuttle to and from the museum.


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Past Festivals

2023 Democracy and Freedom Festival

Source: The Johns Hopkins News-Letter

SNF Agora and Baltimore Center Stage highlight intersections of music and activism
Arusa Malik

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Agora Institute kicked off the Elijah E. Cummings Democracy and Freedom Festival with a “Pop the Vote” Baltimore Butterfly Session on Feb. 7. Baltimore Center Stage, the state theater of Maryland and Baltimore’s largest active professional theater company, teamed up with SNF Agora to bring a night of art and civic engagement to Hopkins.

Baltimore Center Stage has been hosting “Baltimore Butterfly Sessions” every month. The free events are open to all members of the community to educate them about civic engagement through the work of local artists.

The goal of “Pop the Vote” was to highlight social justice activism and civic engagement efforts through the lens of popular culture and the arts. The event was complete with a macaroni bar catered by 1876.

In an interview with The News-Letter, SNF Agora’s Deputy Director Stephen Ruckman explained that the event was the perfect way to begin the Elijah E. Cummings Democracy and Freedom Festival this week.

“Many of our students don’t get a chance to go off campus to enjoy the culture of the city, and we wanted to bring it here since the theme of this night is the intersection of culture and democracy,” he said.

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